- Address Rostockgata 99, 0191, Oslo, Norway
- Color
- Listing categories Urban intervention / antipodes café series / antipodes café House
- Location / Region Norway/ Oslo
- Venue antipodes café Stue
- Date from 2017.06.04
- Date to 2020.05.31
After several months of plans and permits, in June 2017 antipodes café Stue opened to the public, in the encounter of Oslo fjord with a prominent construction site of houses and promenade.
The living room of æHouse was formed by reusing the two ground floor barracks from the venue “æDEG15” (which in fact were previously used by road authorities in an information centre/show room also in the area), now redecorated removing any trace of gallery. æStue counted with a full rooftop terrace with private entrance from a small fenced backyard.
This encounter of public and private was accessible through a long passageway right next to the fjord, consisting in a temporary ballast byway and a grass sidewalk with streetlights.
Besides being in itself a sculptural intervention that highlights the rough beauty of what should not be there but it is, “æStue” was open to anyone, during five days a week, presenting a program of diverse domestic activities such as reading, listening radio, watching films and animations. It was also a place where arranged gatherings happened, such as regular visits by kids from kindergartens on Wednesdays.
Coffee, tea, mate, as well as entrance and all activities were shared free of charge to any visitor.
“Everyone has the right to rest and leisure.”
Due to coronavirus, æHouse anticipated its consummation for the last day of May 2020. During its final days antipodes café presented the possibility to get this venue for a symbolic 2020 kr. to anyone with a nice idea for its future. Dozens of proposals arrived to our coffee table. The selected one was an association related to the development of experimental electric forms of human transport on air. Understanding the gender division in that topic, the conditions for the support were that the new venue should be named “Dagny Berger” after Norway’s first woman aviator and that the association for homemade planes and helicopters “EAA Chapter 573 Norway” should facilitate the membership for women, with significant discounts or even free of charge.
M. | 17:00 > 18:00 | Text Time! | One hour for reading our books, or yours | |
T. | 19:00 > | Cinemate | Unannounced french movies, tea & mate | |
W. | 13:00 > 17:00 | Watching the Radio | Live sessions from Hong Kong Community Radio. -diverse djs. and musicians- | |
T. | 15:00 > 17:00 | Watching the Radio | Live screenings and radios from around the globe | |
F. | BAO | |||
S. | 13:00 > 15:00 | Cinematiné | Unannounced movies or short movies for kids under 1117 years old | |
S. | BAO |
Sign in and learn more about upcoming events.
PBE Case: 201706661
Address: Rostockgata 99, 0194, Oslo, Norway (Map)
Gårds/ Bruksnr: 234/119
Status: Permits granted, case closed (View case)
2017.06.13 | Ferdigattest | ![]() |
PBE | |
2017.06.04 |
Søknad om ferdigattest |
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antipodes café | |
2017.05.10 |
Sak 201706661 har fått saksbehandler |
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PBE | |
2017.05.09 |
Tillatelse til tiltak |
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PBE | |
2017.05.01 | Henvendelse er mottatt og registrert med saksnummer: 201706661 | ![]() |
PBE | |
2017.04.27 | til PBE | ![]() |
antipodes café | |
2017.04.27 | til PBE | Telefon | antipodes café | |
2017.04.27 | til PBE | ![]() |
PBE | |
2017.04.27 | Signert søknad, leieavtale og opplysninger gitt i nabovarsel | ![]() |
antipodes café | |
2017.04.26 | Søknad om tilak uten ansvarsrett | ![]()
antipodes café |
2017.06.19 | Informasjon om tildeling av midlertidig adresse til ny bebyggelse. Saksnr: 201708330. Vedtatt adresse: Rostockgata 99 | Epost/brev i altinn.no | PBE | |
2017.06.14 | Kontakt om oppdatering i saken. Saksnr: 201708330 | Epost - via PBEs nettsider | antipodes café | |
2017.05.26 | Anmodning av midlertidig adresse: antipodes café Stue (Tildelt saksnummer: 201708330 og saksbehandler) | Epost | antipodes café | |
2017.05.16 | Kontakt OSU om adresse. | Telefon | antipodes café | |
2017.05.15 | Kontakt PBE om adresse. Nærmeste er Sørenga 8 | Telefon | antipodes café |
2017.04.27 | Avtale om disponering av tomteareal (Møte hos OSU) | ![]() |
antipodes café + OSU | |
2017.03.29 | Befaring tomteareal | Møte i Bispevika B9 | antipodes café + OSU + Vedal AS | |
2017.03.13 | Forslag til plassering | E-postmelding | fra OSU | |
2017.03.06 | Forslag til plassering og skisseringer | E-postmelding![]() |
fra antipodes café | |
2017.03.05 | E-postmelding | fra OSU | ||
2017.02.27 | E-postmelding | fra antipodes café | ||
2016.10.26 | Møte om æ-DEG16 og Bispevika | Møte i æ-DEG15 | antipodes café + OSU | |
2016.10.06 | Møte om Bispevika | Møte i æ-DEG15 | antipodes café + OSU |
2 barracks | |||
downstairs | upstairs | outdoor "uteStue" | |
1 Toilet (unisex accessible) | 1 terrace (3 tables, chairs, 2 planters, trees) | signs (cornerstone, pavement sign, name sign) | |
Coat hanger, shoes and slippers area | exhibition window | ||
Coffee bar, bar stools, kitchenette | table and bench/chairs (when activities) | ||
Living room area (sofas, armchairs, tables) | games (petanque, badminton, kubb, etc) | ||
4 x 2 m Screen, Short throw projector & audio | 1 stair with storage underneath | ||
1 toilet pump with "snoopy" box |
A |
adkomst |
access |
allmenn ferdsel |
general passage |
alminnelig samferdsel |
general transport and communications |
anlegg |
installation |
anlegg i sjøen |
marine installation |
ansvarlig kontrollerende |
responsible controller |
ansvarlig kontrollerende foretak |
enterprise responsible for control/enterprise acting as the responsible controller |
ansvarlig prosjekterende |
responsible designers |
ansvarlig søker |
responsible applicant |
ansvarlig utførende |
responsible contractor |
ansvarlig utførende foretak |
enterprise acting as the responsible contractor |
ansvarsrett |
right to accept responsibility |
arealdelen av kommuneplan |
the land-use part of the municipal master plan |
arealformål | land-use objectives |
arealplan |
plan for land use |
arvefeste |
heritable lease |
avkjørsel |
exit road |
avløpsanlegg |
sewerage installation |
avståing til eie |
renunciation of ownership |
B |
bebygd eiendom |
developed property |
bebyggelse |
buildings |
bebyggelsesplan |
building development plan |
behandling av søknader |
processing of applications |
behandling | consideration |
bestående byggverk |
existing structures |
bolig |
dwelling |
boligmassen |
building complex |
boligtomt |
residential lot |
bortfall av tillatelse |
lapse of permission |
bortfeste |
leasing out |
bortleie |
leasing out |
brannsyn |
fire inspection |
brannteknisk tiltak |
fire prevention measures |
bruksendring |
change of use |
bruksenhet i bolig |
occupancy unit in a dwelling |
byggegrunn |
building land |
byggeområde |
building area |
byggeoppdrag |
building assignment |
byggesak |
building matter, building applications |
byggetillatelse |
building permit |
byggetiltak |
building project |
byggverk |
structure |
bygning |
building |
bygningsmessige funksjoner |
structural functions |
bygningsteknisk installasjon |
technical installation |
D |
deling |
division |
delingsforretning |
division proceedings |
den sentrale godkjenningsordningen |
the central approval body |
Det faste utvalg for plansaker |
Standing Committee for Planning Matters |
detaljregulering | detailed zoning plans |
dispensasjon |
dispensation |
dispensasjonsmyndighet |
the authority empowered to grant dispensations |
disposisjonsplan |
lay-out plan |
driftsbygninger i landbruket |
agricultural buildings |
driftsikker stand |
proper operating order |
driftskontroll |
operational control |
driftstillatelse |
permission to operate; permission for operation |
E |
ekspropriasjon |
expropriation |
elektronisk planregister | electronic planning registers |
ending av reguleringsplan |
alteration of a zoning plan; change in a zoning plan |
endring av et byggverk |
alteration of a structure |
endring av plan | alteration of plan |
enkle tiltak |
projects requiring simple processing |
erstatning etter skjønn |
compensation fixed by judicial assessment |
erstatningsbolig |
compensatory dwelling |
erstatningstomt |
compensation in the form of land |
F |
fareområde |
danger area |
fasadeendring |
alteration of the exterior (of a building) |
felles avkjørsel |
common exit road |
felles behandling | joint processing |
fellesareal |
common area |
felles planleggingsoppgaver | common planning functions |
fellesområde |
common area |
ferdigattest |
certificate of completion |
ferdigbehandling |
final processing |
festeren |
lessee |
festetid |
tenancy |
fiskebruk |
fishing settlement |
fjellplan |
mountain plan |
fjernvarmeanlegg |
district heating plant |
forbud mot tiltak | prohibition on projects |
forenklet reguleringsplan |
simplified zoning plan |
forhåndskonferanse |
preliminary conference |
formål | purpose |
fornyelsesområde |
area for renewal; renewal area |
fornyet behandling av tillatelse |
review of a permit |
fornøyelsespark |
amusement park |
forretningslokale |
business premises |
forsøkstakst |
preliminary assessment |
forurensningsmyndighet |
pollution control authority |
forutsigbarhet | predictability |
forvaltningsloven | Public Administration Act |
fradele |
partition off |
fredningsmyndighet |
cultural heritage authority |
friluftsmyndighet |
outdoor recreation authority |
friluftsområde |
area for open-air recreation |
friområde |
public outdoor recreation area |
frisikt |
unobstructed visibility |
frisiktsone ved veg |
area with unobstructed visibility close to a road |
fritidsbebyggelse |
leisure buildings |
fritidsbolig |
leisure home |
frivillig erverv av grunn |
voluntary purchase of land |
fylkesmannen | county governor |
fylkesplan |
county master plan |
fylkesplanlegging |
county planning |
fylkesrådmann |
county governor |
fylkesting |
county council |
G |
gebyr |
fee |
generelle bestemmelser | general provisions |
gesimshøyde |
cornice height |
godkjenning av planer |
approval of plans |
golfbane |
golf course |
graving |
excavation |
gravlund |
graveyard |
grenseforløp |
boundary courses |
grenseoverskridende miljøpåvirkninger |
transboundary environmental effects/impact |
grunn |
land |
grunnboka |
Land Register |
grunneier |
landowner |
grunnlinjene | baselines of the territorial sea |
grunnundersøkelse |
investigation of ground conditions |
gårdsplass |
courtyard |
H |
handlingsprogram | programme of action |
heis |
lift |
hemmelige militære anlegg |
secret military installations |
hensynssoner | zones requiring special consideration |
herberge |
hostel |
hovedavløpsanlegg |
main sewers |
hovedombygging |
general renovation |
husvær for seterbruk |
shelter for summer dairy farming |
hybel |
bed-sitting room |
høring | consultation |
høringsprosess |
consultation process |
høyspenningsanlegg |
high voltage installation |
I |
igangsettelsestillatelse |
project start-up permission |
ikrafttreden | commencement |
ildsfarlig opplag |
stores of flammable goods |
industristrøk |
industrial district |
innhegning |
fencing; fences |
innløsning |
realization of property, redemption |
innsigelse | objection |
innsigelsesmyndighet | authority to make an objection |
interkommunalt plansamarbeid |
inter-municipality planning, intermunicipal planning cooperation |
istandsetting |
repair/restoration |
J |
jordlovmyndighet |
land law authority |
jordskifte |
land consolidation |
K | |
kartgrunnlag |
set of basic map data |
klage | appeal |
klimavernsone |
climate conservation zone |
kommunal planstrategi | the municipal planning strategy |
kommunale oppgaver | municipal functions |
kommunalt planregister | municipal planning registers |
kommune |
municipality |
kommuneplan | the municipal master plan |
kommuneplanens arealdel | the land-use element of the municipal master plan |
kommuneplanens samfunnsdel | the social element of the municipal master plan |
kommuneloven |
Local Government Act |
kommuneråd |
Municipal Executive Board |
kommunestyre |
Municipal Council |
konsekvensutredning |
environmental impact assessment |
konsesjon |
licence |
konsesjonsområdet |
the area to which the licence applies |
konstruksjon |
structure |
kunngjøre |
announce publicly |
L |
landbruksområde |
agricultural area |
legge ut til offentlig ettersyn |
make available for public inspection, circulated for comment |
lekeareal for barn |
playground for children |
lovens saklige virkeområde |
practical applicability of the Act |
M | |
massetak |
soil extraction site |
medvirkning | public participation |
mekling | mediation |
melding |
notification |
midlertidig brukstillatelse |
provisional permission to use (e.g. a building) |
midlertidig dispensasjon |
temporary dispensation |
midlertidig forbud | temporary prohibition |
midlertidig husrom |
temporary dwelling |
miljøforhold |
environmental conditions |
mønehøyde |
roof ridge |
N |
naboer og gjenboere |
adjoining and opposite neighbours |
nabogrense |
boundary of adjoining property |
nabogrunn |
adjoining land |
nabovarsel |
notice to neighbours |
nasjonale forventninger til regional og kommunal planlegging | national expectations regarding regional and municipal planning |
naturvernområde |
nature conservation area |
Norsk Lovtidend | Norwegian Legal Gazette |
O |
offentlig avløpsledning |
public sewer pipe |
offentlig besiktigelse |
official inspection |
offentlig ettersyn | public scrutiny |
offentlig traffikområde |
public traffic area |
offentlig vannledning |
public water main |
ombygging av bolig |
reconstruction of a dwelling |
ombygging som medfører fravikelse av bolig |
reconstruction intended to convert dwellings to another purpose |
område for reindrift |
reindeer farming area |
område for vesentlig terrenginngrep |
area entailing significant encroachment on terrain |
område med tettbebyggelse |
densely built area |
områderegulering | area zoning plan |
oppankring og fortøyning av fritidsbåter |
anchoring and mooring of leisure craft |
oppføring (av bygning) |
erection of (building) |
oppgaver | functions |
oppheving av reguleringsplan |
cancellation of a zoning plan |
oppholdsrom for mennesker |
rooms intended for human habitation |
opphør av ulovlig bruk |
cessation of unlawful use |
oppussing av fasade |
restoration of the exterior (of a building) |
oppstart av arbeid med plan | commencement of work on the plan |
oversiktsplan |
general plan |
overtakelsesforretning |
take-over proceedings |
overvannsledning |
storm water drainage pipe |
P |
panterett |
legal charge |
parkbelte i industriområde |
green belt in an industrial area |
personlig ansvarsrett |
right to assume personal responsibility |
plan- og bygningsloven | the Planning and Building Act |
plan- og bygningsmyndighetene | planning and building authorities |
planbeskrivelse | description of the plan |
planbeskrivelse | plan description |
plandelen | the planning part |
planens formål | objectives of the plan |
planforslag | planning proposal |
planleggingsoppgave |
planning function |
planområdet | the planning area |
planoppgaver | planning functions |
planprogram | the planning programme |
planprosess | planning process |
planvedtak | planning decisions |
plassering av bygning |
positioning of a building |
privet |
privy |
påbygging (av bygning) |
extension of (a building) |
R |
rammetillatelse |
general permission |
ras |
avalanche |
refusjon |
refund |
refusjonsberettigede tiltak |
projects for which a refund is payable |
refusjonsdebitor |
refund debtor |
refusjonspliktig areal |
areas liable to pay a refund |
refusjonsvedtak |
refund decision |
regional plan | regional master plan |
regional planbestemmelse | regional planning provisions |
regional planstrategi | regional planning strategies |
regionale planmyndigheter | regional planning authorities |
regionalt planforum | regional planning forums |
regionvegkontor |
regional roads department |
regulativ |
scale of fees |
regulering |
zoning |
reguleringsformål |
categories of land use |
reguleringsplan |
zoning plan |
reguleringsplanforslag | zoning plan proposal |
reguleringsvedtak |
zoning decision |
rekkehus |
row house |
reklameinnretninger |
advertising devices |
ressursutnytting |
use of resources |
restriksjonsområde rundt flyplass |
area around airport where building is restricted |
rettighetshaver |
holder of rights; rightsholder |
rettsvirkning | legal effect |
revisjon av plan | revision of plan |
risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyse | risk and vulnerability assessment |
riving |
demolition |
rullende fortau |
moving pavement |
rullert handlingsprogram |
updated programme of action |
rulletrapp |
escalator |
rådighetsinnskrenkning |
restriction on use/disposal |
rådighetsrett |
right of disposal |
S |
samarbeidsutvalg |
cooperative committee |
samfunnssikkerhet | societal safety |
samråd |
consultation |
saneringsmoden |
due for demolition |
sikringstiltak |
safety measure |
situasjonsplan |
site plan |
skadevirkning |
adverse effect |
skjemmende farge |
unsightly colour |
skjønn |
judicial assessment |
skjønnsmyndighet |
assessment authority |
skytebane |
shooting range |
sluttkontroll |
final inspection |
spesialområde |
special area |
stansing av ulovlig arbeid |
stopping unlawful work |
Statens vegvesen |
Public Roads Administration |
statlig arealplan | central government land-use plan |
statlige planbestemmelser | central government planning provisions |
statlig reguleringsplan |
centrally prepared zoning plan |
statlige fagmyndigheter |
national expert authorities |
stedfestet informasjon |
geodata |
steinbrudd |
stone quarry |
stillas |
scaffolding |
straffansvar |
penal liability |
strandplan |
shore plan |
særskilt skjønnsrett for bygningssaker |
special court of assessment in building cases |
søksmål |
legal proceedings |
T |
takst |
valuation |
takstforretninger |
valuation proceedings |
takstnemnd |
valuation committee |
taubane |
cableway |
tettbygd strøk |
built-up area |
tilbygging (av bygning) |
addition to (a building) |
tilhørende uthus |
associated outhouse |
tillatt utnyttelse |
permitted utilization |
tilleggsrom |
additional rooms |
tiltak |
project |
tiltakets ytre rammer |
external frameworks of the project |
tiltakshaver |
developer |
tomt |
building plot |
tomteareal |
building plot area |
tomtearrondering |
adjustment of lots |
tomteinndeling |
parcelling of land into building plots |
trinnvis behandling (av søknad) |
stage by stage processing (of an application) |
tvangsmulkt |
coercive fine |
U |
ubebygd tomt/eiendom |
undeveloped plot/property |
ulovlig byggearbeid |
unlawful construction work |
ulovlig utført arbeid |
unlawfully executed work |
underbygging (av bygning) |
underpinning (a building) |
universell utforming | design for universal accessibility |
unntatt fra loven | exempted from the Act |
urnelund |
cemetery |
utbedring |
improvement |
utbygging |
physical development |
uteareal |
outside area |
utglidning |
slide |
uthus |
outhouse |
utnyttingsgrad |
building density |
uvanlig bebyggelse |
unusual buildings |
V |
valgperiode | electoral term |
vannforsyningskilde med nedslagsfelt |
water supply source with catchment area |
vannføring |
discharge of water |
vannklosett |
water closet |
vannsig |
seepage of water |
vannstand |
water level |
varsling av planoppstart | notification of the start of planning |
vassdrag |
watercourse |
vedlikehold |
maintenance |
vedtatt plan | adopted plan |
vedtekt |
by-law |
vegplanlegging |
road planning |
vegskjæring |
road cutting |
vegutredning |
road survey |
vernetiltak |
protection and conservation measures |
virkeområde | scope |
virkninger av planer | effects of plans |
Å |
å foreta ekspropriasjon |
to effect expropriation |
åpenhet | transparency |
Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet, Planavdelingen 26.08.2010 "Norsk-engelsk ordliste for plan- og bygningsloven (Begreper fra pbl2008 i fet skrift) Termlist – The Planning and Building Act " Artikkel, Regjeringen.no
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Land (2017-2019) | |||
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Grant 2016 | Montage (2017) | ||
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Frivillig aktivitet 2018 Frivillig aktivitet 2020 |
uteStue (2018) visits by Kindergartens (2020) |
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Paint materials | |||
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2017 -2019.09 | Coffee&Tea materials |
Flokk | Outdoor chairs |
VEDAL AS | |||
Institut français de Norvège | |||
Scandinavian Business Seating |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |